SharePoint 2010 is not supporting to Windows Classic Based authentication but SharePoint 2010 is providing support to Windows Classic as well as Claims Based Authentication. If your 2010 web application is using Windows Classic authentication in the sense we need to change the authentication provider in 2010 before upgrading to SharePoint 2013. In the below i mentioned step by step about that.
Before taking backup of SP 2010 content DB, Changed the authentication method of Windows classic to Claims based using below command and it is an Optional. To change the Authentication provider you can use the below PowerShell command.
$WebAppName = “<Web App URL>"
$account = “<Service
$wa = get-SPWebApplication $WebAppName
Set-SPwebApplication $wa –AuthenticationProvider (New-SPAuthenticationProvider) –Zone Default
Before attaching a content database to SP 2013 just deploy solutions file(s) (WSP) in SP 2013 farm which are required by the web application. WSP is nothing but web solution package which developed by sharepoint developers other than SharePoint 2010 OOTB features and it called Custom development. SharePoint supports reusable codes the 2010 web solutions are developed by .Net frame work 3.5 version but the 2013 template by default supports to .Net frameword 4.0 version, It can supports 3.5 version itself.
So to maintain the same custom features of SharePoint 2010 in SharePoint 2013 we require to take backup of WSP's from SharePoint 2010 farm and install those solution in SharePoint 2013 farm as well as require to DEPLOY for the specific web application. In the below i said about how to take the backup of WSP's using powershell and how to install it in SharePoint 2013.
To backup the WSP file's you can use the command which available in my earlier post
To add the solution file in SP 2013 Server use the following command
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "Path of the WSP"
Content Database Backup and restoration Steps
Database backup and restore procedure are explained step by step in another my post refer it and completed it. Then cont with the next step.
$wa = get-SPWebApplication $WebAppName
Set-SPwebApplication $wa –AuthenticationProvider (New-SPAuthenticationProvider) –Zone Default
Before attaching a content database to SP 2013 just deploy solutions file(s) (WSP) in SP 2013 farm which are required by the web application. WSP is nothing but web solution package which developed by sharepoint developers other than SharePoint 2010 OOTB features and it called Custom development. SharePoint supports reusable codes the 2010 web solutions are developed by .Net frame work 3.5 version but the 2013 template by default supports to .Net frameword 4.0 version, It can supports 3.5 version itself.
So to maintain the same custom features of SharePoint 2010 in SharePoint 2013 we require to take backup of WSP's from SharePoint 2010 farm and install those solution in SharePoint 2013 farm as well as require to DEPLOY for the specific web application. In the below i said about how to take the backup of WSP's using powershell and how to install it in SharePoint 2013.
To backup the WSP file's you can use the command which available in my earlier post
To add the solution file in SP 2013 Server use the following command
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "Path of the WSP"
Content Database Backup and restoration Steps
Database backup and restore procedure are explained step by step in another my post refer it and completed it. Then cont with the next step.
Web Application Creation in SharePoint 2013
1. Open SP 2013 Central Administration.
2. Go to the Application Management.
3. Select Manage Web Applications.
4. Click the New in Top ribbon.
5. Provide the details, In database text box provide name like (ContentTempDB_Requiretodelete).
6. Web Application has been created successfully, Go to the manage content database and choose the 5002 web application, Remove the content database from SharePoint.
7. Then delete the same from SQL server too using SSMS.
Content DB health check using PowerShell command.
Before attaching a content database to the SP 2013 website we need to fix the errors(Interested one while migrating).
Just run the below powershell command in SharePoint Shell 2013 and it will analyze it and display the message might be it have errors and in rare scenario it won't display any errors :-).
Test-SPContentDatabase -name <Content DB Name> -WebApplication <URL of Web Application>
If you will get any errors, Fix those until the above commands display like Errors = False
Attaching content DB using ps command.
Almost we reached the final step in a migration. That is Attaching a content database to the SharePoint 2013 web application using PowerShell command.
Mount-SPContentDatabase -name <Content DB Name> -WebApplication <URL of Web Application>
By default SharePoint 2010 is using Windows Classic Mode, But in 2013 is using Claims based authentication as a default. (For this already I said in the beginning of the post).
Visual Upgrade
Access the website where SP 2010 content database attached with SP 2013 web application.
Top of the website select the start now option to get sp 2013 look and feel.
Once again it will check the health of the website for visual upgrade and we need fix those errors once again. (EG. If fast search center was available in SP 2010 website we need to delete it since SP 2013 doesn't support to SP 2010. Like custom content type too).