Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Administration on HNSC URL

Earlier we discussed about HNSC Concept and How to create HNSC in SharePoint. To know that click here

In this post I am explaining how to manage(Add/Remove) the URL of HNSC.

Add URL for HNSC site.

To view the existing URL's and its zone use the below command.

Get-SPSiteURL -Identity "http://FirstSiteCollection.SharePointShiva.com"

Note the output and Use the below command to add the new URL in existing site collection

Set-SPSiteURL -Identity "http://FirstSiteCollection.SharePointShiva.com" - Url  http://addingnewurl.SharePointShiva.com -Zone "custom"

The above command will add the new url called addingnewurl.sharepointshiva.com to the existing site collection which contain the url called firstsitecollection.sharepointshiva.com

Don't forget to mention the ZONE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Remove the URL of HNSC.

Remove-SPSiteURL -Identity http://firstsitecollection.sharepointshiva.com

Post your query in comment.

Host Name Site Collection Concept (HNSC) - SharePoint

In the post we are going to know about Host Name Site Collection concept.

What is Host Name Site Collection?
Host Name is referring a identity for the computer in general. The URL of web application in SharePoint will be "<http(or)https>://HOSTNAME:PORT" eg: http://sharepointwebserver:2204.

In this web application we can create one site collection in root level and that can access using the above mentioned URL or some other alternate access mappings url in SharePoint.

In my scenario I need to have 9 site collections in one web application and each site collection should have its unique url (No Managed Path).

Then my minds arise a question I can have 5 URL's in SharePoint but all the 5 will access the one site collection which I created in ROOT. To achieve the requirement we need to choose the HNSC concept in SharePoint. The below example and syntax shows how to create a site collection using HNSC concept.

For getting the syntax and description for options in the syntax click here

Example: New-SPSite -Url "http://FirstSiteCollection.SharePointShiva.com" -OwnerAlias SharePointShiva\SPHNSCAdmin -ContentDatabase WSS_Conent_HNSC1stSC -HostHeaderWebApplication http://sharepointwebserver:2204 -Name FirstSiteCollectionUsingHNDCConcept -Template STS#0

In the above mentioned powershell command have list of option and check the description below.

-URL : Provide the SiteCollectionURL which required this will be similar to ROOT.
-HostHeaderWebApplication : Provide the WebApplication URL in this Option so that that the site collection will create under the web application.
-Template : Mention the template code here to create the SC with the corresponding template to know more template click here

Soon I will post about how to set the another URL for the HNSC and how to remove the URL.. Stay Tuned.

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