Earlier i discussed about how to add the solution (WSP) to the SharePoint. In the continuation now i am going to explain how to install (Deploy) the solution to the concern web application.
After that how to enable or disable the feature through powershell.
To know about adding solution in SharePoint Click Here.
Installing the Solution
After adding a solution definetly we need to deploy the solution to web application. To do that we have command called Install-SPSolution. Syntax and Example are provided below for your understanding.
Install-SPSolution [-Identity] <SPSolutionPipeBind> [-AllWebApplications <S
witchParameter>] [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-CASPoli
cies <SwitchParameter>] [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Force <SwitchParam
eter>] [-GACDeployment <SwitchParameter>] [-Language <UInt32>] [-Local <Swi
tchParameter>] [-Time <String>] [-WebApplication <SPWebApplicationPipeBind>
] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Install-SPSolution [[-Identity] <SPSolutionPipeBind>] -Synchronize <SwitchP
arameter> [-AssignmentCollection <SPAssignmentCollection>] [-Confirm [<Swit
chParameter>]] [-Language <UInt32>] [-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonP
Install-SPSolution –Identity recruitment.wsp –WebApplication http://myrecruitmentsite
Note: You can also use the following parameters
–CASPolicies: If you
are not deploying to the GAC
if you want to deploy the solution to all web applications
–Force: to force the
deployment of the solution
-GACDeployment: It will place the DLL files to the Assembly folder in Windows directory.
Updating the Solution in SharePoint
Without redeploying the solution you need to overwrite the solution with some changes in the code level means, we can use Update-SPSolution. The example are provided below.
–Identity recruitment.wsp –LiteralPath E:\solutions\recruitment.wsp –GACDeployment
Uninstalling the Solution from SharePoint
This command will just retract your solution from the specified web application. After executing the below command the mentioned web application can't use the feature which are bind with the solution.
Uninstall-SPSolution –Identity recruitment.wsp –WebApplication
Removing the Solution from SharePoint
This command will completely remove your solution from the SharePoint server. Before executing this command the solution should be retracted from all the web application where it deployed.
Remove-SPSolution –Identity recruitment.wsp
Enable or Disable the Feature in SharePoint
The below command will help you to enable or disable the feature to the site level.
Enable-SPFeature –Identity RefertheBuddy –url http://myrecruitmentsite
Disable-SPFeature –Identity RefertheBuddy –url http://myrecruitmentsite
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